I have a new article published in a series on The Future of Workplace Learning by Emerald Publishing. My article, Learning Together and Working Apart: Routines for organizational learning in virtual teams, is here.
Research suggests that teaming routines facilitate learning in teams. This paper identifies and details how specific teaming routines, implemented in a virtual team, support its continual learning. The study’s focus was to generate authentic and descriptive accounts of the interviewees’ experiences with virtual teaming routines.
All six of the articles in this journal can be downloaded free until July 27. They are here and include:
Building Better Learning and Learning Better Building, with learners rather than for learners
Interactive Technology and Smart Education: Augmented reality, the future of contextual mobile learning
Learning Opportunities for Group Learning: An empirical assessment from the learning organization perspective
Workplace Spirituality, Perceived Organizational Support and Innovative Work Behavior: The mediating effect of person-organization fit
The Future of Learning and Teaching in Next Generation Learning Spaces
So please take advantage of these free downloads. If you miss the deadline contact me and I'll be glad to send a pdf of the one you are interested in.