Event: Preparing Teachers of Refugees
Diana Woolis, a friend and colleague at the Carey Institute for Global Good is convening an online event on March 14-16. It will focus on preparing teachers of refugees. Please join me and other educators from around the world in Action for Teachers of Refugees a free global online event about teaching teachers of refugees.
We will be discussing critical issues and sharing ideas and experiences about professional learning. You can participate in some or all of the activities, for as much or as little time as you choose, and whenever you want through-out the 3 days. We have several activities lined up:
- Showcasing professional learning platforms people are using or wish they had for professional development – add yours, learn about others.
- Structured facilitated discussions: Text-based exchanges facilitated by guest Discussion Hosts (I am one) focused on addressing the question: What is sustainable, effective pedagogy for teachers-of-teachers of refugees, and how can it be enacted?
- A Practice Lab – for those who want to reflect, in community, on their experience developing or participating in teach-the-teachers initiatives.
- Signature Pedagogy – A consideration of a draft version for teachers-of-teachers of refugees. Especially needed are the voices of teachers, pre-k through college, so please share this invite with your teacher networks!
Here is the overall description: PREPARING TEACHERS OF REFUGEES Many organizations in the United States and around the world are designing effective content and curriculum for teachers of refugees in a range of settings- from camps, to college campuses, to classrooms and online, on a range of topics from math to
English to arts and humanities as well as social-emotional support for students. As a group, we are universally challenged by how best to “teach-the-teachers” – how to engage, prepare, assess, certify and support them.
The Center for Learning in Practice seeks to contribute to addressing this situation by codifying ways in which continuous learning for teachers/educators and practitioners, real time data about teaching practice, and valuable feedback can be provided to teachers regardless of context and with fidelity. We seek to do so in community and in dialogue with educators and practitioners and help build a knowledge network among us.
The full schedule is here. https://learning.careyinstitute.org/learning#schedule The segment I will facilitate is on March 15 from 11-1:00 EST, but I plan to join in much of the conversation. I'll also be in the Practice Lab. http://careyinstitute.org/programs/education/action-for-teachers-of-refugees/
Beginning now anyone who has registered can post a submission by simply writing a short description of their platform- what it is used for, who it serves, and how success, impact, or outcomes of its use are or will be assessed. On March 13 posting closes. On March 14, the Peer-Source is open all day for comments, and then is put in “read-only” mode, when we move to the Forum discussions. I encourage you to join us for part or all of the event. Free. Online. Register now! http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=bb7573bab9eb9d8d212a1caa4&id=6a1a9f23c0